This guide gives an in-depth look into joining Triangle:
Dear Parents,
By your son’s decision to enroll in one of Cincinnati’s Engineering, Architecture, or Science colleges, they have taken the first step in their professional career. Keep in mind, however, that a large part of a student’s education is outside of the classroom and is affected by their environment, peers and their decision on where to live on campus.
Cincinnati boasts a large and respected Greek system. Other schools’ Greek governing bodies look to Cincinnati as an example of how to keep their chapters safe, academically inclined, and how to provide leadership advice and opportunity.
Triangle is a national fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists. On most campuses Triangle is the only fraternity designed for these specific fields. Because we limit our membership to these professions, we offer the same benefits as every other fraternity, with added bonuses…as you will see below!
Why Join Triangle
Triangle Fraternity has been in existence since 1907, and the Cincinnati chapter has been proud to be a chapter of Triangle since 1921. This means the Cincinnati chapter has almost 100 years of experience developing balanced men by providing an environment that fosters personal growth and academic and professional success.
Professional Exclusivity
A requirement to be eligible to be a member of Triangle is that you are enrolled in one of Cincinnati’s Engineering, Architecture, or Science colleges. While this helps bring together a diverse Brotherhood with similar interests, it also provides a community of men with the ability to aid each other. By limiting majors, Brothers take many similar classes and therefore Brothers struggling in certain classes or topics can get assistance from each other as well as receive professional guidance from older members. Many internships, full time jobs, and other opportunities come from alumni as well.
With almost 100 years of being a chapter, a vast network of Engineers, Architects and Scientists exists. No matter what city or what state a Brother ends up living in, they are never alone. With 100+ years of existence, it’s surprising where you might meet another Brother. Everyone has heard the phrase, “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” With as many people that have walked through the doors of the Triangle house, there’s a wide array of companies that many alumni work for. What this means for your son is that Triangles hire Triangles. There exists an active network where alumni searching for employees look to Triangle. Members are encouraged to make their resumes available to alumni and if your son was hired by another Triangle, it wouldn’t be the first time!
Our chapter, like most Fraternities at Cincinnati, wants to be the best and therefore always strives for that goal. In order to do that, members hold each other accountable. If someone is sleeping instead of going to classes, another Brother will wake them up. If a Brother is have trouble getting involved, his fellow members will ask why and help him. Throughout a person’s college career, everyone is bound to go through a rough spot which may result in poor grades, depression, lack of direction, family issues, personal issues, etc. Over its existence, Triangle has seen everything and therefore knows the proper plans to make it through those rough times. For example, if a Brother fails to meet grades, an academic plan exists in the house. He will meet with the Vice President and Scholarship chairs to find out what the problem is and put together a plan to solve it. He will be taught how to create schedules to budget his time, and will be required to do a combination of: attend all classes, go to office hours, work in groups, etc as well as provide proof of improvement (I.E. Test grades, homework grades, lab grades). Triangle Brothers share a close bond and therefore we want our Brothers to be the best they can be.
Attending college is a big step in life and the hard truth is that not everyone is equally prepared. Every person given an invitation to join the chapter goes through the new member process. Throughout the process, important lessons are taught that many college students learn too late. New members are taught how to balance their time by older Brothers who have mastered the craft. They are pushed to perform community service and are given the opportunity to attend philanthropies that benefit important causes such as breast cancer. They are mentored by older members that have succeeded in school, held leadership positions and, most importantly, been in their situation. It’s important to note that after being a new member, Brothers gain guidance by members of the alumni board. These are alumni from Cincinnati Triangle and other chapters that volunteer their time to give guidance and help steer the future of the house.
Every member of Triangle has the opportunity to obtain a leadership position as a member of the Executive Board (President, Vice President, Recruitment Director, Financial Director, Public Relations Director, and Social Director) as well as many chair positions. These positions are unique opportunities that most college students do not have, and provide a plethora of knowledge and skills that many members use in the future to become leaders in their profession. The fact is that companies look for more than grades in any candidate, and being able to share relevant leadership experience gives your son a clear advantage over any student who only has a degree.
Although we restrict our membership to specific majors, we do not restrict the beliefs, ethnicities and personalities of our Brothers. Although we all go to University of Cincinnati, we are from all around the world, have different religions and our own personalities. It’s important that members be true to themselves to achieve happiness and success rather than conform to certain stereotypes. We are a diverse group and learn from each other’s differences.
Financial Information
Living in the Fraternity House
We have found that the Brotherhood is much stronger when the Brothers are around each other all the time. While living in the house may create some distractions, it also provides several academic benefits such as easy access to our library of notes from prior years’ classes, study rooms that are kept quiet, and, most importantly, other Brothers who have taken the same classes before. Single rooms are $695 per month, while double rooms are $550. A parking pass for a spot right behind the house is $55 per month.
What are fees used for?
The fees also known as “dues” are used to help each member get the most out of their experience. These dues go towards areas such as intramural sports, philanthropy events, and chapter dinners (every Tuesday and Thursday) plus many more ways to get involved!
Living in the house provides each member with the following:
- A single room or a room shared with one roommate
- House groceries, which change depending on those in the house
- Access to a storage room
- All utilities, including internet access
How does Triangle compare with other housing options?
Triangle is competitively priced with the residence halls. Our cost is less than most of the dorms.
A big perk of living in the Triangle house, is the relaxed leasing agreement. With other off-campus housing, students can easily get held up in a lease if they get an out-of-town co-op, resulting in having to organize a sub-lease. Our chapter combats this by voiding any lease signed by a Brother if they receive an out-of-town co-op.
New Member Information
Note on Hazing
Hazing has no place in modern day fraternity life. Triangle is at the forefront of this push to completely eliminate hazing in all forms. The Cincinnati Chapter is devoted to this.
Expected time commitment
The new member process requires time management skills, but is designed such that any dedicated member can easily fulfill their commitments.
Will the new member process divert my attention from my son’s academics?
No! Academic success is not only a focus; it is a major part of our new member process. We require men to have a minimum GPA of 2.75 to join our chapter.
The success of our new members in everything they do is our number one priority. If our new member process diverts their attention from family or academics, degrades their trust in our active members, or causes them unnecessary hardship in any way, we have failed. Additionally, all academic resources available to our brothers are also available to our new members including the academic drive, study rooms, study tables, tutors, and subject matter experts designated by our Vice President and Scholarship Chairs.
Courtesy of Purdue